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4 months ago

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Finally someone on YouTube showed us how to do a cheap clear coat fix

johna posted 4 months ago

I was looking for a quick and cheap fix for some peeling clear coat and wondered if I could just spray some new clear coat over the top with some preparation, just so it looks a bit better and protects from further damage.

But everything I watched or read said you can't do this.

But I finally came across someone on YouTube who said you can do it and showed how. They did warn that it's not a long lasting solution and looks far from perfect, but it looks better.

The channel is Ratchets And Wrenches and the video is: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbSIjsUeWZQ

I'm going to try this on my car and report back with how it went.

PS. this is actually an 8 year old video and check the comments on the video for a tip on how to improve the blend line.

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