Magazine Collector

Joined 5 years ago

For car and motorcycle magazine and periodicals collectors and traders: indexes, contents, manage your collection, forums, eBay templates, buy, sell and trade.


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Major change to website

Magazine Collector posted a discussion 4 years ago
The website has recently had a major overhaul and now in addition to magazines, members can keep track of their books and...

Website magazine search improvements

Magazine Collector posted a discussion 5 years ago
I have made some minor improvements to the search function today. Searching a specific publication for an article or topic would usually take a very long time and often return an error page. I...

Least expensive posting options for magazines using Australia Post

Magazine Collector posted a discussion 5 years ago
Late last year (September 2019), Australia Post introduced changes to the cost of sending parcels within Australia. Previously parcel costs were related to weight, but with the new "If It Packs,...
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