When advertising a used car for sale, good photos can make a big difference. Here are some tips based on what we have seen recently. Make sure your photos are orientated correctly.....
Have you ever wanted to find the VIN of a car in Australia but all you have is the cars registration number? There are a few ways that you can find the VIN for free online. 1 - Gumtree If...
It always amazes and amuses us when we come across a used car for sale where the seller believes that because their vehicle has very low mileage that it deserves a very high sale price. Maybe if...
Given that BMW has recalled a significant amount of the late 1990s/early 2000s 3-Series (E46), it surprises us that there are still many for sale. We decided to do a random check on cars...
We came across this listing for a 2002 Mercedes-Benz on Carsales today, and it's so bad that we had to share. What first got our attention was that this 18-year-old car was being offered for $14...
A used car that has recent repairs or maintenance may seem more attractive than others, but beware that sometimes recent work can mean that there is a major problem with the car that the seller does...
The NSW-based car dealership group OzCar have introduced an interesting new service for private sellers of cars called OzCar Connect. You can list your car on the OzCar website for free. Yes, we...
We have seen some strange reasons for selling listed in used car advertisements. Here's a couple of our favourites... "I just purchased the car for my partner but she can't drive a manual so its...
Photos are a very important part of any used car advertisement. They are the first impression you make on a potential buyer. Here are our top five tips: 1. Remove personal items Potential...
There's an uncommon BMW model that I've been watching on the used car market for some time and it's a good example of the importance of researching the market value when listing a used car for sale...
We've posted elsewhere about the importance of not over-pricing, good descriptions, and also how hard it can be to sell an unregistered car. Over the last month we've watched a good example of...
Seller: "Very sad to see this car go. Looked after like a baby..." In the same advertisement that this seller says they have looked after their 2003 BMW 3-Series like a baby and had it serviced...
We scour the classifieds for the most entertaining used car descriptions. Here's the best from today's listings... Found this in a listing for a 2005 BMW 320i: "Seat belt sign and air bag sign...
Don't you find it annoying when you are looking at a car for sale on Carsales.com.au and you don't know where the selling dealer is? Sure you can type in your postcode and they will tell you that...
When it comes to making an entrance you can do no better than to arrive in a Lamborghini Countach. Italian tractor maker Ferrucio Lamborghini entered the super car business after he was told by...